Appearance: Cloudy with a murky orange colour, the head is spectacular … dense and rocky with stickiness all over the glass. Smell: Malted wheat sweetness, mild spicy nose with yeast and light lemon highlights. Taste: Malted wheat and barley in the raw, earthy yeast character with hints of lemon in the backround. A quick spark of clove hits the same time as the carbonation. Semi crisp with a medium body and a well structured carbonation. Minimal hop bitterness, maltiness is cracker like and gets drier and drier towards the end. Nutty flavours from the yeast and very faint fennel character from the phenols come through. Finish is quite clean and alcohol is a tad noticeable though the extravagant fruity side of the esters associated with this style is held at bay and more spiciness seems to take hold. One of the best in the world needless to say, it still lives up to its name. A wheat beer at its best.
100 points, BeerAdvocate (Jan 2001)